Holy Well of the 7 Sisters, Doon Hill, Ballyconneely Location: Doon Hill, Ballyconneely Latitude : 53.41 Longitude: -10.11 Satellite: https://goo.gl/BlxCsI Attribution: 7 Sisters (Gospel Preachers and Missionaries) Saints Day: Unknown Celebration: Pilgrimage Offerings: Various religious items Curative Powers: Unknown The Seven Sisters, (or Daughters), preached the Gospel in Connemara in the early Christian period. The holy well of the 7 Sisters is located at the base of Doon Hill, across from the Golf Course turn off after Ballyconneely village. It is located in a field 200 metres from the main road - east of the red roofed shed. There are several holy wells and other religious sites in west and south Connemara which are dedicated to the 7 sisters.