St Feichin’s Holy Well, Omey Island Location: Omey Island, Claddaghduff . Latitude: 53.52 Longitude: -10.16 Satellite: Attribution: St Feichin Saints Day: January 14 Celebration: Pilgrimage Offerings: Personal and religious items Curative Powers: Various ailments St Feichin was born around 580 AD in Co Sligo and died in 664 AD in Fore Co West Meath. Pilgrims to St Feichin’s well circle it clockwise direction 7 times bare foot and once on their knees. Pebbles are used to count the “Rounds”. Water from the well is collected to take home. Fishermen and those leaving to live abroad used to take a bottle of water as protection from harm. Offerings are left in the niche found on the back wall of the well.