Holy wells of Connemara 2024

St Brian Brou’s Holy Well, High Island Location: High Island, Claddaghduff. Latitude : 53.54 Longitude: -10.25 Satellite: https://goo.gl/D72VG9 Attribution: Brian Boru (St Brian Boru) Saints Day Unknown Celebration: Unknown Offerings: Unknown Curative Powers: Unknown This well, situated close to the church ruins is popularly called St Brian Boru well. Brian Boru was the High King of Ireland who defeated the Vikings at the battle of Clontarf in 1014. He is said to have visited St Gormgal because of his sanctity in order to make his confession. St Gormgal died on the island in 1017. Access to the island is by boat only. Photos: Anthony Previte A Guide to Connemara’s Early Christian Sites Oldchapel press 2008