Holy wells of Connemara 2024

© Connemara Programme 2016 Holy Wells of Connemara

Dedication To the 100+ generations of Connemara people who have valued, preserved and protected our holy wells. © Colum Joyce

© Connemara Programme 2016 Table of Contents Table of Contents Page 2 About Holy Wells Page 3 Connemara’s Holy Wells Page 4 Well of the 7 Sisters Ballyconneely Page 5 Saint Caillin Holy Well Ballyconneely Page 6 Saint Enda’s Holy Well Barna Page 7 St Chonaill’s Holy Well Cashel Page 8 St Feichin’ Holy Well Cong Page 9 Saint Anna’s Holy Well Gorumna Page 10 St Brian Brou’s Holy Well High Island Page 11 St Colman’s Holy Well Inishbofin Island Page 12 Tobar Mhuire Holy Well Kilkieran (Ail na Bron) Page 13 Tobar Mhuire Holy Well, Kilkieran (Ardmore) Page 14 Maol Roc Holy Well Kylemore Page 15 St Joseph’s Holy Well Leenane Page 16 Saint Ceannannach’s Holy Well Moyard Page 17 St Feichin’s Holy Well Omey Island Page 18 Saint Cummin’s Holy Well Oughterard Page 19 Connemara Programme Page 20 Myconnemara Page 20

© Connemara Programme 2016 About Holy Wells A Holy Well is a natural spring or other small body of water venerated in preChristian times but then Christianised. They are most often found in close proximity to an early Christian church, graveyard or monastic settlement. Many wells are attributed with having healing qualities due to the presence of a guardian spirit or link to a Christian saint. Holy Wells have a specific day of visit or pilgrimage. These are usually on a day of significance to the well’s saint. On the Saints day various religious celebrations are held. Mass or “Rounds” are the most common forms of veneration. Rounds are where the pilgrim circles the well a number of times, usually bare foot. Rounds may also be made on ones knees. The water from the well is used to ward off evil. It is taken away by pilgrims and those leaving to live abroad. Votive offerings are left at the well by pilgrims or visitors. Offerings are usually religious items or personal possessions. Holy wells are not always fresh water. In Connemara there are holy wells that are on the sea shore and are tidal. Many wells were destroyed under the Penal Laws. Pilgrims also faced a fine of 10 shillings or a public flogging.

© Connemara Programme 2016 Connemara’s Holy Wells Holy Wells are a key part of Connemara’s 8000 year old heritage. Noted for their curative powers and spiritual significance, Connemara’s Holy wells remain a core element of the areas deep traditional and religious beliefs. Most are maintained by the local communities and have a Saints day associated with them. Many holy wells are on private land so permission may be needed to visit them.

Holy Well of the 7 Sisters, Doon Hill, Ballyconneely Location: Doon Hill, Ballyconneely Latitude : 53.41 Longitude: -10.11 Satellite: https://goo.gl/BlxCsI Attribution: 7 Sisters (Gospel Preachers and Missionaries) Saints Day: Unknown Celebration: Pilgrimage Offerings: Various religious items Curative Powers: Unknown The Seven Sisters, (or Daughters), preached the Gospel in Connemara in the early Christian period. The holy well of the 7 Sisters is located at the base of Doon Hill, across from the Golf Course turn off after Ballyconneely village. It is located in a field 200 metres from the main road - east of the red roofed shed. There are several holy wells and other religious sites in west and south Connemara which are dedicated to the 7 sisters.

Saint Caillin Holy Well, Aillebrack, Ballyconneely Location: Aillebrack, Ballyconneely. Satellite: Attribution: Saint Caillin Saints Day November 13 Celebration: Pilgrimage, Stations of the Cross Offerings: Religious and Personal Items Curative Powers: Eyesight, Warts The well is associated with St. Caillin who was a local saint and a patron saint for fishermen. The well is visited regularly. Surrounding the well are a number of penitential stations, one of which is known as Saint Caillin's Bed. Access to this holy well is by foot only. It is on private land. Please request permission from the house at the gates that closes off the road. Pilgrims welcome…… No dogs allowed on the property.

Saint Enda’s Holy Well, Silver Strand, Barna Location: Silver Strand, Barna Latitude : 53.25 Longitude: -9.13 Street View: https://goo.gl/yVSrNS Attribution: Saint Enda Saints Day Last Sunday in July Celebration: Pilgrimage Offerings: Coins are thrown in the well by departing pilgrims Curative Powers Eye and Ear ailments Saint Enda's Holy Well is located on the Silver Strand beach road, 50 metres from the Handball Alley. It is reputed to help with eye and ear ailments. In the 5th century Tobar Eanna (Enda) is reputed to have been a place of rest for St Enda on his way to the Aran Islands and that one day a well sprang up as he prayed. The main pilgrimage is the last Sunday in July. It is the custom for departing pilgrims to throw coins in the water.

St Chonaill’s Holy Well, Cashel Location: Cashel Graveyard Latitude : 53.41 Longitude: -9.79 Street View: https://goo.gl/0qtZYF Attribution: St Chonaill Saints Day: Unknown Celebration: Unknown Offerings: Personal and religious items Curative Powers: Unknown Tobar Chonaill Holy Well is located 20 metres to the east of Cashel Graveyard, through the gate opposite the main entrance. It is likely that the well was part of an early Christian settlement, parts of which are overgrown in the south of the graveyard. The road to the graveyard is accessible by car or on foot. Please close any farm gates that you may encounter.

St Feichin’ Holy Well, Cong Location: Cong Latitude: 53.54 Longitude: -9.28 Street View: https://goo.gl/sfQ4MQ Attribution: St Feichin Saints Day: January 14 Celebration: Unknown Offerings: Unknown Curative Powers: Unknown Saint Feichin's Well Cong is located north of Cong village. It is 25 metres along a short path, on the banks of a small river. The well is in poor condition and visited infrequently

Saint Anna’s Holy Well, Teeranea, Gorumna Location: Gorumna Island, Latitude : 53.25 Longitude: -9.65 Street View: https://goo.gl/vgqAof Attribution: Saint Anna Saints Day: July 26 Celebration: Pilgrimage Offerings: Various religious items Curative Powers: Various ailments Saint Ann's Holy Well (Tobar Naomh Anna) is located on Loch Tan. It is a 5 minute drive from the sports centre in Gorumna. The side road to the well is narrow, with parking for 2-3 cars. The annual pilgrimage day for St. Anne's Holy Well in Teeranea is the 26th of July.

St Brian Brou’s Holy Well, High Island Location: High Island, Claddaghduff. Latitude : 53.54 Longitude: -10.25 Satellite: https://goo.gl/D72VG9 Attribution: Brian Boru (St Brian Boru) Saints Day Unknown Celebration: Unknown Offerings: Unknown Curative Powers: Unknown This well, situated close to the church ruins is popularly called St Brian Boru well. Brian Boru was the High King of Ireland who defeated the Vikings at the battle of Clontarf in 1014. He is said to have visited St Gormgal because of his sanctity in order to make his confession. St Gormgal died on the island in 1017. Access to the island is by boat only. Photos: Anthony Previte A Guide to Connemara’s Early Christian Sites Oldchapel press 2008

St Colman’s Holy Well, Inishbofin Island Location: Inishbofin Island. Latitude : 53.61 Longitude: -10.19 Satellite: https://goo.gl/VWJmV4 Attribution: St Colman Saints Day: Unknown Celebration: Rarely Visited Offerings: Unknown Curative Powers: Unknown The Holy Well is in the top right hand corner of the graveyard. It is badly overgrown and rarely visited. Saint Colman (and 60 monks) from Lindisfarne in Northumbria founded the monastery on the island in 667 AD. There is now a medieval church on site, 2 cross slabs and the holy well. There is also a bullaun stone, (an ancient 'curse' Stone) close to the well.

Tobar Mhuire Holy Well, Ail na Bron, Kilkieran Location: Ail na Bron, Kilkieran. Latitude : 53.31 Longitude: -9.73 Street View: https://goo.gl/mgbPqF Attribution: Virgin Mary Saints Day: September 8 Celebration: Regularly Visited Offerings: Flowers, Religious items Curative Powers: Eye sight, Joint pains, various other ailments Tobar Mhuire, Kilkieran, is located in Ail na Bron. It is also know locally as Ail na Bron Holy Well. It is 1 km drive from Kilkieran village and is located high on a hillside. The annual pilgrimage date to the well is the 8th September. It is reputed to cure many ailments.

Tobar Mhuire Holy Well, Ardmore, Kilkieran Location: Ardmore, Kilkieran. Latitude : 53.30 Longitude: -10.19 Street View: https://goo.gl/CZ9WDV Attribution: Virgin Mary Saints Day: Unknown Celebration: Regularly Visited Offerings: Flowers, Religious items Curative Powers: Eye sight, Joint pains Tobar Mhuire Holy Well is a frequently visited holy well that is a 5 minute drive from either Kilkieran or Carna. It is located on a small narrow lane leading to Feenish Beach. It has limited road side parking.

Maol Roc Holy Well, Kylemore Location: Mweelin, Kylemore. Latitude : 53.55 Longitude: -9.88 Satellite: https://goo.gl/HSgxNM Attribution: Maol Roc Saints Day June 12 Celebration: Pilgrimage and Mass Offerings: Votive offerings Curative Powers: Eyesight, Warts Also known as the 'Nuns Well‘, Maol Roc's Holy Well is located on Connemara National Parks lands. The well is in excellent condition with brick walls and limestone slabs for roofing. The well was used in the past as a water source for the Abbey. The well is 400 metres off the main road (past the lime-kiln). Parking: limited, so best to walk from the Abbey grounds (250 metres)

St Joseph’s Holy Well, Leenane Location: Leenane Latitude: 53.61 Longitude: -9.66 Street View: https://goo.gl/OWxj9Q Attribution: St Joseph Saints Day: March 19 Celebration: Pilgrimage Offerings: Religious and Personal items Curative Powers: Eye ailments Saint Joseph's Holy Well is a 4 minute drive from Leenane village on the Westport road. The site is well maintained and has easy access from the road. Parking is available at the Carraig Bar which is close to the well. It is surrounded by a low dry stone wall and there is a small concrete cross marking the well. The well is now dry but long ago the water was said to cure problems with the eyes.

Saint Ceannannach’s Holy Well, Moyard Location: Moyard. Latitude : 53.55 Longitude: -10.03 Street View: https://goo.gl/9C32gK Attribution: Saint Ceannannach Saints Day: March 12 Celebration: Stations of the Cross Offerings: Flowers, Religious items Curative Powers: Various Ailments St. Ceannannachs (Gregorys) Well lies at the end of the lane to a quarry. It is a 7 minute drive from Moyard Post office on the way to Cleggan. St. Ceannannach was beheaded by a local chieftain and the stone on he was beheaded kept its blood stained colour. St. Ceannannach is reputed to have walked to this well and washed his head in the water and was able to re-attach it to his body.

St Feichin’s Holy Well, Omey Island Location: Omey Island, Claddaghduff . Latitude: 53.52 Longitude: -10.16 Satellite: https://goo.gl/g5kdif Attribution: St Feichin Saints Day: January 14 Celebration: Pilgrimage Offerings: Personal and religious items Curative Powers: Various ailments St Feichin was born around 580 AD in Co Sligo and died in 664 AD in Fore Co West Meath. Pilgrims to St Feichin’s well circle it clockwise direction 7 times bare foot and once on their knees. Pebbles are used to count the “Rounds”. Water from the well is collected to take home. Fishermen and those leaving to live abroad used to take a bottle of water as protection from harm. Offerings are left in the niche found on the back wall of the well.

Saint Cummin’s Holy Well, Oughterard Location: Lemonfield, Oughterard. Latitude : 53.42 Longitude: -9.30 Street View: https://goo.gl/wI8grF Attribution: Saint Cummin Saints Day: October 15 Celebration: Pilgrimage Offerings: Religious Items Curative Powers: Unknown Saint Cummins holy well is located in Lemonfield. The well would indicate that the area was of great significance inhabitants of the region. Records show that local people would take off their hats and make a slight bow to it. During the Cholera epidemic in 1832 people living near the well peeled off the bark of ancient ash trees which grew over it, in order to use it as a remedy for cholera.

Holy Wells of Connemara Published: First edition 2016, Edited 2024 (Flipbook and PDF only) Published by: Colum Joyce Distribution: For Free online distribution and sharing Sources: Local knowledge, traditions and folklore, ordinance survey Ireland Photographs: Connemara Programme, Previte, Brown Email columjoyce@connemaraprogramme.com