ALL Connemara

The ULTIMATE Connemara Guide

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Why Go Mobile?

Mobile Apps are the most popular way of finding information on Connemara businesses, attractions and activities. It is the most responsive and cost effective way to market to vistiors and Connemara consumers.


The All Connemara App

The ALL Connemara mobile app uses the most up to date technologies to provide a fast easy way for visitors and Connemara consumers to find information on your business and the thousands of things to do, see and experience in Connemara.

ALL Connemara App

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Available From

The ALL Connemara App is available for free on the Google Play Store and The Apple Store

ALL Connemara Overview

What It Does

The ALL Connemara app gives easy access to thousands of pieces of information on Connemara and its businesses. It provides extensive details on each, photographs, social media links, their Location and an interactive map of how to get there. The App also has a "Must See" category for each town, a 7 day weather forecast, special offers, links to Local news channels, Connepedia (The Encyclopedia of Connemara) and much much more.

Your Special Offers

Using the free Marketing Stream subscribed businesses can post their own Special Offers, promotions, deals and events to the ALL Connemara app whenever and as often as they wish. These are instantly visible on the App. Offers are displayed for a Place and every offer in Connemara is displayed under the All Connemara tab.

To see how you can manage your offers and promotions click on the link here Create a Special Offer

Supporting Your Business

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Be Seen

82% of visitors and Connemara consumers have smart phones. By listing your business on All Connemara they can easily find, see and get directions to you.It provides them with your full business address, click dial Phone numbers, your location, latitude and longitude and interactive map directions, photos, extensive descriptions, links to your social media, ecommerce and your other web resources.


Market Yourself

Included free in the Subscription is the ability for you to manage your own day to day marketing by displaying your special offers on the ALL Connemara App.You can promote new products, services, sales, promotions whenever you want, 365 days a year especially during the low season and holidays such as St Valentines, St Patricks day, Bank Holidays, Easter, Halloween, Christmas and New Year.


Be Promoted

The ALL Connemara App is being promoted locally, nationally and worldwide using social media and focused advertising to walking, cycling, touring, fishing, gourmet, sports and the many other clubs and groups that Connemara can offer a unique and fulfilling experience.

Contact Us

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